SeaMax Corporation has partnered in a joint venture with professionals in related engineering fields. This way SeaMax focuses on what we were trained to do and have practiced for years while other areas outside our core is left to our partners with equal expertise and dedication.
Finite Element Analysis & Design
Local structural evaluations are conducted with hand calculations using Mathcad, Depending on the complexity of the geometry of the structure or the non linearity of the material or loading condition a linear or nonlinear finite element analysis is performed using 3D continuum solid or shell elements to simulate the physics in play. Our experience has led us through some challenging but exciting linear and nonlinear studies in
- Impact Analysis
- Blast Analysis
- Fatigue Analysis
- Sea Fastening Design
- Installations (Bolts Pretension, Mechanical Clamps)
- Vibrations and Damping Studies
- Crack Propagation
- Material Damage Models
- Drop Tests
- Surface Contact Simulation

Structural Analysis and Design
For a global structural analysis, we generate an extensive 3D model representation of structures simulating in-field conditions using structural analysis software packages in performing a thorough numerical analysis. Code checks constitute the foundation of our recommendations. Some of our projects have covered
- Spaced/Planar Frames and Trusses
- Lift Analysis
- Push-Over Analysis
- Dynamic Loading
- Crane Boom
- Pile Foundation Analysis/Design
- Rig Mat Design
- Limit State Design
With our strength in numerical analysis and constitutive modelling, we simulate several linear and nonlinear multi-physics problems. Non-linearities in loading conditions, material plasticity, material defects (cracks and voids) and boundary conditions are modeled with great attention to detail.
- Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Blast Analysis
- Impact Analysis
- Dropped Object Test
- Material Damage Evolution
- Crack propagation
- Fatigue & System Life Cycle
- Stress Analysis (Pipeline Fluid Flow)